Just landed in Sydney - it freakin took forever!
Got to Peason around 3pm on Friday, it was probably too early, as we waited for 2 hours to board the plane.
I was somewhat excited, but kind of feeling like I'm missing out on something at work..
Right after boarding the plane in pearson, Barb noticed that I'm missing something - THE SUIT!! lucky that we haven't finished boarding everyone, I went back to the waiting area to find it. Barb was very unimpressed. :P
I brought my oh-so-cool brand spanking new mp3 player complete with 1Gb SD card loaded with all the audio books that I haven't yet listened to. Barb's camera's got the other SD card, but it's loaded with crap that I had on my treo.
As it turns out that Barb likes the songs already on the camera SD card, but we have to make space for pictures.. so after taking 154 pictures we'll have to find a way to make space..
After an uneventful flight to LA, we have to transfer to the Sydney flight. LAX is a huge ass building, we actually have to take a bus from terminal 2 to terminal 6 for the international United flights. A BUS! this is the same building here, reminds me of Atlanta's airport.
While we found out that we have to talk to someone at terminal 7 so we can enter terminal 6 (I know, stupid) I spotted a girl that must be Cameron Diaz... Barb doesn't think so , that girl was wearing a hat and was obviously trying to blend in.
I spotted her again when we have to talk to gate 74 so we can enter gate 77 (stupid, again)
Her whole entorage entered into the upper deck first class deck. hmm.
Same old couple who sat behind us on the flight to LAX is actually sitting with us on the way to SYD..
In flight movies - Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Herbie, Never been kissed.
The flight was hell, it took too long, briefly interruptted by snacks and meals. Feels like some alien is trying to farm us and make us fat like how chickens are raised.
As soon as we arrived at Sydney, we took a shuttle that dropped us off at the hotel for $18, vs $24 if we took the airlink train.
Sydney is... highly stylized, everything has the european style polish in designs.. such as the hotel, airport, furniture shops ala Ikea, etc
Checked in way too early, so the only room they can get us is the "accessible" room, the shower have a seat and hand rails.. I don't mind.
My "let's eat" instinct from the airplane/chicken farm kicked in and I immediately demanded to have breakfast at the travelodge hotel restaurant.
The bacon here is fantastic! the best bacon ever, I'm not kidding.. The scrambled egg is strangely powdery though.
We looked at the tea and decided that some tea would be great up in our room, so we devised a plan - we walk over to the tea counter, look normal, and steal as many tea bags as possible.
Afterwards, I interviewed Barb with my notepad "Ms. Pingyin, can you please describe the suspect?"
"Umm.. he's 5"8', black hair, buzz cut, wiskers off his left cheek..."
"that's going to narrow it down"
"monkey ears, orange and black shirt, pimple on forehead towards the right, ~160 lb, Chinese descent with a broad smile"..
I made a sketch.. she agreed with the drawing... it's hilarious, I'm going to post it as soon as I get the camera hooked up.
"he was last seen running away with 2 teabags..."
I came out just to buy some personal grooming and some tape to fix my suit bag, then I decided to checkout the internet cafes, and the likeliness that we can get the pictures posted.
Besides the fact that I don't have a USB keyboard, looks like I can!
Today we'll try to see the aquarium, then meet Brandon (groom) for dinner.
Tomorrow day 1 of Contiki tour begins! it's like 800 km to Surfer's Paradise.
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