The art of matress testing

A tough job, but someone's got to do it

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Some of you wonder why my obsession with toilets and other I/O functions.

Truth is I had trouble staying..umm... regular when I was little.. Because of this my mom keeps close tabs on my BM's, where the first question asked on a long distance call would be "Have you had a BM yet?"

(ah, the familiar shine. of the clear container..)

So BM is really something to be celebrated, in fact, a BM is usually rewarded with cheers and candy.

It is quite embarassing now that I came to HK mom enthusiastically produced a box of enemas... She wasn't shy about asking if I need it either (in public!). I'm glad I'll be taking the next leg of my trip alone.

With Imodium and Bandi Enema, who needs to worry when travelling?


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