Now we finally got some action today.
We drove up to Bryon Bay today, apparently the east most point in continental Australia.
BEAUTIFUL spot. lots of surfing.
We went up to a lighthouse, took some pictures of that cape bryon, and then headed into town.
on the drive up here, we did a whole self introduction thing. Except there are like 30 of us, so it got kind of long. It's interesting that all the colorful people got up there first, probably because they get picked ..
We're suppose to tell people
- Name
-Where you came from
-Worst Fear
-Secret Fantasies
-Who you would like to meet
-Favorite Quote
My favorite one is from Mat the Kiwi (New Zealander) his worst fear is to get thrown in jail and becomes someone else's bitch..
When it's my time, I drew a blank, said some stuff that even I don't really remember...
Anyway, the beach here is gorgeous, the sand is fine, and the waves looked good for surfing.
Me and Barb looked around town and bought some stuff, I got a skin tight surfing shirt (watch out!)
Tonight I get to hug a kaola bear...
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