The art of matress testing

A tough job, but someone's got to do it

Monday, September 19, 2005

Australian Money

Australians have very interesting looking money, they are printed on soft transparent plastic sheets. So each bill have a "window" through them, they are just as colourful as our canadian dollars. But the colour-to-value mapping was all wrong, the $20 is red, I always had to look twice because the canadian $50 is red.

*edited* Another interesting thing about Australian money is that their coins are smaller the more value it's worth. They don't have pennies either.

Australian Toilets

I didn't really look how the water swirls, but the design of the toilets here are deeper, and each toilet have 2 buttons on top.. Took me a while to figure out, but it's one button for small flush, the other for big flushes... BRILLIANT I promise pictures


  • At 9/19/2005 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The small button is to be used when you pee and the bigger button is for when you poop. It is a brilliant idea, saves on water and energy. don't understand why we don't have this in Canada


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