What do you do with all the dead people from a crowded city of 7million? Pave over entire mountain sides and pack them in tight, of course.
The scale of this place is incredible, it wraps around the other side of the hill too.
How about living is close to a near vertical cemetery? Imagine waking up with the great view.
Respect for ancestors is very deeply ingrained in the Chinese culture, we believe that our ancestors watch over us, and their approval or disapproval of our behaviour determines part of our luck.
Each year, there are actually 2 public holidays dedicated to honor the ancestors, the Qing Ming festival, and the Chung Yeung festival. These cemetery hills will be full of people paying respects, bringing flowers, wine, roasted ducks or other foods for offerings.
We only brought flowers, the routine is usual, try to find the right grave amidst the millions, offer the flowers, bow three times and say something to report recent family happenings. We'll be expecting another new family member this year, etc. Then we bow again before we leave, saying "excuse me, sorry" to the people whos graves you had to step on because they are packed too tight.

Respect for ancestors is very deeply ingrained in the Chinese culture, we believe that our ancestors watch over us, and their approval or disapproval of our behaviour determines part of our luck.
Each year, there are actually 2 public holidays dedicated to honor the ancestors, the Qing Ming festival, and the Chung Yeung festival. These cemetery hills will be full of people paying respects, bringing flowers, wine, roasted ducks or other foods for offerings.
We only brought flowers, the routine is usual, try to find the right grave amidst the millions, offer the flowers, bow three times and say something to report recent family happenings. We'll be expecting another new family member this year, etc. Then we bow again before we leave, saying "excuse me, sorry" to the people whos graves you had to step on because they are packed too tight.
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