Meet me at the 5-flag poles

At the scenic star ferry pier, you can see across the Victoria Harbour to Hong Kong Island. There are 2 landmarks: the 5 flags and the clock tower, where countless first dates and rendezvous happen. I think it started with some movie in the 70's, people now pick this location for first dates, and consider it a romantic location. There is a sea side path where lovers can stroll and make out on the benches out of view. (no doubt overrun by Filipino workers on Sunday though)

There used to be this call-in radio show where young people call in and profess their love, and say "if you were that beautiful girl that was in so and so bakery last Sunday @ 5:00pm, please come meet me at the 5-flagpoles next Sunday @ 3:00pm..." I have no idea how well the radio show worked out for the caller, but I always thought that people desparate for a date can probably camp out there to pretend to be the caller, or that some ugly girl can show up thinking she's the pretty one.
I wonder if they still have that sort of call in show, or have people grown out of it.
Day 5 pics
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